
We would like to thank you for visiting our site and considering the Timothy House for yourself or your loved one. We look forward to serving you and helping you during this difficult time. Started in 1999, the Timothy House has helped hundreds of men conquer their addiction. We believe the key to living a life free from addiction is to learn how to apply biblical principles in everyday real life.
The Timothy House is a 9 to 24 month Drug and Alcohol Residential Recovery facility for adult men. We work with probation and parole and the criminal justice system regularly, but we believe that the men that come here are placed here by God. We consider each man that comes to come here voluntarily. They have options as to where they go, if they choose the Timothy House, they choose it because God has directed their path.
Regeneration Ministries Inc. d/b/a Timothy House is a 501(c)3 non profit. Donations are tax deductible.
We welcome you to look around our website to learn a little bit more about who we are and what we believe. We also welcome your questions and feedback. Please visit our Contact Us page for details on how to reach us.
Mission Statement
Our mission is a ministry devoted to the healing and restoration of those in our community who are addicted to drugs and/or alcohol. We use the sound teachings of the Bible and the principles that God has set in place for all of us. It is with this understanding that they and their families start the process to become healed, renewed and restored to the body of Christ.

Be Prepared!
Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.
In the difficult times we face today, I believe the Lord wants us to understand this scripture more than anything. Perhaps you’ve lost your job, your business, your home, maybe even a friend. But we must understand that today is no different than any other day. One of God’s truths is that without Him, we are nothing. With Him, all things are possible. If we are not alert as the word tells us to be, then the enemy can steal many things from us. Yes, he can steal our happiness, but not our joy because God is the giver of joy! Yes, he can and does invade our minds with worry and strife. The enemy loves to plant discord and doubt in our minds, but the word says that God gives us a peace that passes all understanding. The enemy pours out grief like its water, drowning us in its depths. God is not the giver of grief and says that worry cannot add one cubit to your stature. He says that He is the living water and that if you will drink from Him you will have everlasting life! Prepare your minds today, understand and line your minds and hearts up with Christ. Read His word, Seek Him! Stand firm in your faith, know that our Lord loves you today! He sees your struggles and has already prepared a path for you! He hears your cries and catches your tears in His hands. He knows you so well that He has counted every hair on your head. Your important to Him. Never forget that you are loved.
Thank you for your donation. Our ministry relies on you and your giving to help lead men back to Christ, knowing that a relationship with Him is the only thing that brings hope to the hopeless and a way home to the ones that feel left behind. We are grateful and appreciate any and all donations. God bless you and keep you today.